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Mina's Sailor Moon Gallery!

Are you interested in Sailor Moon pictures. You've come to the right place!

Hi all you Sailor Moon fans. This is a new site and is currently being updated. So, if it sucks so far, obviously I'm working on it. And I'll be constanly putting in new pictures of all of you favorites.

Here's a brief introduction...
In case you don't know...Sailor Moon is an Anime cartoon. It's a story about a 14 year old girl named Serena, who gets the power to transform into Sailor Moon. She, with the help of her friends, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars, have to defend the planet against all evil.

So, be patient, and I will make this an awesome site before your eyes!
In case you don't feel like going to my Contact page. Here's my E-mail so you can tell me if my page sucks or rocks!

Sorry you guys.I don't have enough room for the Outer Sailors...I have under three pictures of each! But here's a group picture!

Hi. I got one kitty picture I put in.
Dedicated to: Anthony

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